A savvy mother who revealed how she used bunk beds to divide her daughters’ rooms has been branded a “genius.”
Mother-of-two As she started the project in August 2020, Sharlene Tait, a British woman, claimed that she wanted to provide her children their own space.
Posting on the Facebook group DIY on a Budget Official, the thrifty parent said she and her father came up with an easy way to effectively split the girls’ bedroom in two.
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She started by pulling the bunk bed away from the wall and setting it in the middle of the space.
They placed a wooden panel opposite to Sharlene’s eldest daughter’s bed and her sister’s bunk because she occupies the top bunk, thereby “blocking off” this side of the room.

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Sharlene then painted her daughter’s room’s two far walls a soft pastel blue to match her new vanity and chest of drawers. Next to her daughter’s bed, she added a sticker which read: ‘When it’s raining, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars.’
The space for Sharlene’s younger daughter has a pink and mustard yellow colour scheme, and Sharlene and her father later constructed an archway.
The couple constructed a frame around her bed to showcase her toys and artwork after also enclosing her bunk.
The young girl has a small TV that is perched on her own toy storage cabinets, a wooden coat hook, a book box, and other items next to her bed.
Sharlene and her father debated if there would be enough room to complete the DIY project before starting.
She added: ‘The room before splitting was 2.9 metres by 4.2 metres so it wasn’t massive to start with.
‘I am lucky in that I had two windows with enough space between to just fit the beds and the wood – it was a tight squeeze though!’
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