A DAD spent six months and £1,500 creating a Lego-themed bedroom for his son, complete with 100,000 bricks.

Adam Hood, 36, also created a bunk bed for Michael, four, with 200 wooden dots glued to it to resemble blocks.
All throughout the room are colourful models created from Lego kits he purchased at car boot sales and charity shops.
Michael and his sister Roseanne, eight, have some Lego in buckets, including Adam’s from childhood.
Adam, who lives in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, with his wife Samantha, 31, is a nurse.
“Michael and I are both massive Lego fans and when he got to see the room for the first time he was gobsmacked.”

The factory worker added: “It’s been a bit of a case of trial and error but I’m proud of how it turned out. Samantha thought I’d never finish!”
“I have always been a massive fan of Lego from when I was a kid. The thing I love so much about it is you can do anything you like – the only limit is your imagination.”

“It was hard work without a doubt, but it’s definitely paid off.”
He spent endless hours scouring car boot sales and charity stores for new Lego sets and Inspo for the his little lego fans dream bedroom.

After keeping Michael out of the room for the past eight weeks, Adam recorded his son’s reaction on film and its fair to say he was one very happy little boy, and you can certainly see why!
If you enjoy a themed room as much as Michael, you HAVE to see this toy story air bnb…