People Horrified After Learning What Chainsaws Were Originally Used For


Did you know that chainsaw’s were originally used for this?

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People are in a panic now that they know the real reason chainsaws were created in the first place. Once you know something, you really can’t unknow it.

You might be thinking, “Oh pish, posh, and piffle, the chainsaw was obviously invented to cut down trees faster,” but you’d be mistaken, dear reader.

If only the simple chainsaw had been created with the express intent of cutting down trees more quickly than a standard saw, but sadly, such a world does not exist.

That would be the most logical assumption given that that is primarily what we use them for today, however the actual history of this power instrument is more bloodier and more brutal.

The chainsaw’s true ancestors were surgeons, and they existed a horrifyingly long time before anaesthesia became widely used.

It turns out that the invention of the chainsaw dates back to 1785, when the Scottish physicians John Aitken and James Jeffray developed a device to advance the symphysiotomy technique.

You ask, “What is the symphysiotomy method?” In order to make the baby’s passage via the pelvic joint easier, the pelvic joint of a woman giving birth must be separated.

I warned you it was unsettling.

In the beginning, surgeons employed inflexible saws and blades, but Aitken and Jeffray developed a tool that had a fine, serrated link chain to aid cut through the joint. This invention later came to be known as the Aitkens flexible chainsaw.

It’s obvious that the technology has advanced significantly since then, but it’s where it all began, and many people were shocked to learn that.

It’s so horrific, in fact, that it started a trend of people taping themselves before and after finding out the truth, with brief movies demonstrating their transformation from uninformed and content to in the know and terrified.

Other internet users used words to express their horror, with one relying heavily on the Caps Lock button as they wrote: “CHILDBIRTH?! IT WASNT MADE FOR CUTTING THINGS?! BUT MADE FOR C SECTIONS?!? AHHH HOW DID I NOT KNOW.”

Another disturbed viewer commented: “ok yeah usually im [sic] not phased by these but that one was a mistake and i shall never use a chainsaw again without remembering this.”

The lengthy and painful symphysiotomy approach is no longer utilised in modern medicine, so you won’t have to worry about a doctor starting a chainsaw while you’re in labour. Sadly, the information will remain rent-free in our minds for the rest of our lives.

Without using enormous saws, the process is already painful enough.

Netflix’s New Terrifying Horror Series Is The Best Since The Haunting Of Hill House

House Of Horrors

In the heart of a quiet suburban neighborhood, an eerie spectacle has emerged, sending shivers down the spines of residents and visitors alike. The once-innocent house on Elm Street has undergone a spine-tingling transformation, becoming the infamous “Clown House of Horrors,” a fiendishly captivating creation that’s equal parts macabre and mesmerizing.

The brainchild of artificial intelligence, this nightmarish attraction has managed to blur the lines between terror and artistry in a way that captivates the imagination of anyone who dares to venture inside. But what exactly is the Clown House of Horrors, and how did AI play a pivotal role in its terrifying design?

A Wickedly Unique Concept:

Imagine a classic haunted house, but with a chilling twist – an army of malevolent clowns lurking behind every corner. This is the unsettling premise of the Clown House of Horrors, where unsettling laughter and disconcerting chuckles fill the air, ensuring that visitors’ fear is never far from their minds.

AI Takes the Reins:

The Clown House of Horrors is a testament to the power of artificial intelligence in the realm of entertainment and horror. A team of designers and engineers collaborated with advanced AI systems to develop this eerie masterpiece. They fed the AI extensive data on horror tropes, clown imagery, psychological thrillers, and classic haunted houses. The AI processed this wealth of information to create a blueprint that was nothing short of diabolical.

An Immersive Experience:

Upon entering the Clown House of Horrors, visitors are immediately transported into a nightmarish realm where malevolent clowns roam freely. The AI-driven design ensures an unpredictable, ever-evolving experience. Visitors must navigate a labyrinthine series of rooms, each more disorienting than the last, while confronting a variety of menacing clown characters.

The Sights and Sounds:

The visual and auditory aspects of the Clown House of Horrors are where AI truly shines. With an uncanny knack for combining the familiar with the grotesque, the AI has created scenes that are both terrifying and oddly beautiful. Visitors encounter surreal clown performances, bizarre circus acts, and uncanny mirror mazes. The AI-generated soundtrack is designed to unnerve, with haunting laughter and eerie circus music that intensifies the sense of dread.

AI’s Dark Imagination:

What sets the Clown House of Horrors apart is AI’s ability to tap into the deepest fears of human psychology. It leverages our collective phobias of clowns, the uncanny, and the unknown, crafting an experience that plumbs the depths of our subconscious. Visitors frequently report feeling watched, even when no clown is in sight, and describe an eerie sensation that they’re being followed by invisible eyes.

A New Frontier in Entertainment:

The Clown House of Horrors represents a fascinating blend of cutting-edge technology and age-old horror traditions. It’s a testament to the power of AI to push the boundaries of what’s possible in immersive experiences. With its unparalleled ability to conjure up dread and awe in equal measure, this haunted attraction is a pioneering example of AI’s potential in the world of entertainment.


Whether you’re a horror aficionado or simply seeking a spine-tingling thrill, the Clown House of Horrors beckons with its sinister allure. This AI-designed masterpiece offers a unique blend of terror and artistry that will leave you questioning reality long after you’ve left its eerie confines. As technology continues to evolve, we can only imagine what other chilling wonders AI will bring to the world of horror entertainment.

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Stephen King Reveals The One Horror Film He Couldn’t Finish Watching

He’s the king of horror having written over 50 books and yet there is one film Stephen King couldn’t finish watching!

Stephen King is one of the most influential and indisputed figures in the terrifying realm of horror but even Horror kings have films that make them scared.

Credit: Stephen King

Known for his classic horror novels, this 75-year-old author has frightened audiences for decades with stories of murderous clowns in IT and eerie hotels that left audiences members and readers scared and shocked in horror.

Even the king of dread, though, couldn’t stomach one particular film.


King admitted that the film’s extreme fright factor forced him to stop making it midway in an interview covered by Dread Central.

But can you guess what film it is from the images below?

Credit: Haxan Films

Still not got it?

Credit: Haxan Films

The film in question is actually the found-footage classic horror film – The Blair Witch Project

It’s interesting that this occurred when King first saw it in a hospital, a place where anyone’s vulnerability may be magnified.

King’s son had brought a VHS copy of the movie and encouraged him to watch it.
King’s response, though, was quite obvious midway through: ‘Turn it off, it’s too freaky’.


The Blair Witch Project expertly crafts its narrative as a collection of recordings produced by a team of student filmmakers who travel to the unsettling Black Hills in Burkittsville, Maryland, to produce a documentary on the local Blair Witch legend.

Credit: Haxan Films

The audience watches these recordings, feeling uncomfortably close to the escalating dread since their absence leaves behind a year’s worth of tape.

Although the use of discovered video is increasingly prevalent in modern horror films, this movie was a pioneer in demonstrating how this method may successfully evoke terror.

King’s admission that The Blair Witch Project terrified him as well is strangely rewarding coming from a writer who has dedicated his whole career to sending chills down readers’ spines – shows that we can all be scared sometimes!