Dogs have been known to eat homework, but one canine took the habit a step further by devouring his owner’s electricity voucher.
A mother was shocked to see her £600 voucher shredded to pieces by her beloved pet, Archie.
The voucher and mail were destroyed after the Labrador rummaged through her bag.
It all started when Avril Graham was making her way to the post office last Friday to redeem the voucher when she briefly left the room.
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The unsuspecting dog owner left her bag on the breakfast bar in the room, but Archie was able to break into it.
The nursing assistant gathered all broken pieces and gave the post office customers the remains. She also claimed that she felt as though she was going through her own personal “dog ate my homework” experience.
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Fortunately, Avril, who resides in Ballymena, County Antrim, was informed that she could still use the coupon as payment as long as the barcode could still be read.
Avril shared pictures of Archie and the remnants of the voucher on Facebook with the caption: “When he knows he’s just eaten your £600 electricity voucher.”

Social media users couldn’t help but comment on Avril’s hilarious voucher incident.
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“He’ll be fully charged up now and raring to go lol,” one person wrote.
Another user shared: “Oh no! I was piecing together my CC statement when I got home but your life sucks more than mine today,”
While someone else penned: “Aw he looks contrite, wee soul.”