Woman Urged To Leave Her Husband After She Shares ‘Gross’ Thing He Does In Bed


This is giving everyone the ICK!

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Due to some of her husband’s poor habits, which vary from the obscene to the completely weird, a woman has been urged to divorce him.

Anyone in a relationship is aware of the minor quirks of their partner that get on your nerves.

But most of the time, these are very minor things that you can ignore because of all the positive things they do and the aspects of them that you genuinely find endearing.

Due to the numerous red flags around this man, there would need to be significant mitigating factors in this case.

Obviously, we should take all of this with a grain of salt given it was posted on Mumsnet, but perhaps some of the personality traits the woman is worried about are recognisable to you.

Honestly, if it’s a problem with tea bags, please contact us; we’d love to hear from you.

She began by listing her husband’s ‘gross and disgusting’ vices, including his habit of masturbating.

First, the preamble in which she said: “I’m going mad thinking my husband has some absolutely gross and unpleasant habits and I can’t stand it anymore but feeling like I’m supposed to remember no-one is perfect.

“I’ve tried bringing these things up and talking to him nicely and also very firmly but I’ve got nowhere.

“I am too embarrassed to ask people in real life what they think and I want to know am I being unreasonable to be so annoyed?

“He’s 31, we’ve been married for a year and his behaviour started going off after we got married.”

On the w***ing front, the man apparently leaves a ‘pungent smell’ in the room which knocks her sick.

She said: “I’m old enough and have enough experience of men to know it’s normal, but he thinks it’s ok to w*** into the bedsheets when I’m out.

“I came back and noticed a pungent smell, sat down on the bed and realised my hand was on a damp patch.

“He kept doing it, I said something.

“He got really ratty and said it was impossible I could know and started accusing me of sniffing the bedsheets – that is gross! I definitely wasn’t imagining it!”

But wait, it gets worse.

In addition to simply throwing dirty clothing everywhere, not taking enough showers, and failing to clean up after himself, the man reportedly also throws tea bags against a freshly painted wall. This is the truly strange part.

Yes, that is the true warning sign that this puppy is very weird.

In addition to all of this, he only “watches YouTube videos and reads all evening” and doesn’t even appear to enjoy being with her.

The woman concluded: “I really don’t understand what’s going on.

“I’ve tried to ask him very tactfully if there’s a problem, but he gets annoyed and insists there isn’t.

“I tried suggesting counselling but he went ballistic so I don’t think that’s an option.

“Sometimes I feel I’m even detecting a hint of dislike/contempt for me but I have no idea why.

“I feel like I’m dealing with an angry teenage boy and I don’t know how I didn’t pick up on all of this sooner. Please help, I’m losing my marbles!”

Well, if it does help, most people seem to have told her that it’s time to get rid of him.

“What positives are there? He sounds like a nightmare and I can’t see what you’re getting from the relationship, sorry,” asked one.

Another said: “Leave. As quickly as you can. As bloody quick as you can. The future there is grim.”

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Meet The Woman Who Collects Used Condoms

It’s certainly a different kind of hobby.

In a world filled with peculiar pastimes, some hobbies defy belief. While many young adults take their love lives seriously, some have peculiar preferences that will leave you astounded.

Meet Tonje, a 27-year-old woman from Norway, who has taken her fascination with safe sex to unimaginable heights. She’s not merely an advocate for condoms; she’s a collector of used ones! Yes, you read that right.

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Tonje has turned her bedroom wall into a jaw-dropping exhibition, showcasing a staggering 2,000 used condoms for all to witness. But how did this bizarre journey begin?

It all started back in 2010 when Tonje requested her boyfriend to keep the used condom, all because of its peculiar smell. Her boyfriend was repulsed, and their relationship eventually fizzled out. But Tonje’s obsession didn’t stop there.

She took things to a whole new level by inviting intoxicated friends over for bedroom adventures and insisted they leave their used condoms behind as souvenirs. Shockingly, this was just the beginning of Tonje’s unusual collection.

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Tonje spared no expense, sometimes paying up to a mind-boggling $75 for certain prized rubbers. But that’s not all; each condom on her bedroom wall is accompanied by a photograph of the donor, a gesture that sets her back an additional $10 per piece.

And Tonje has no intentions of pumping the brakes on her peculiar pursuit. She’s determined to amass a whopping 10,000 condoms for her ever-growing collection.

She’s even getting some assistance from an unlikely source – her own father! He’s asked his friends to contribute to his daughter’s bizarre quest for love gloves.

Tonje’s story is a jaw-dropping reminder that in the world of unique hobbies, some individuals are pushing boundaries that will truly leave you flabbergasted.

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Woman Divorces Victorian Ghost With An Exorcism

Prepare to be spellbound by a tale of love, turmoil, and a supernatural split that rocked the very fabric of reality! Brocarde, the daring and enigmatic 40-year-old, who captured the world’s imagination by uniting with the dashing apparition Edwardo from the Victorian era, has finally revealed the astonishing end to their otherworldly union!

Brocarde’s story, a thrilling whirlwind that ignited global curiosity, began when Edwardo, the devilishly handsome phantom, dramatically materialized in her bedroom during a tempestuous night. Fate, it seemed, had woven their destinies together. With an electrifying connection, they courageously embarked on a union like no other, sealing their love on Halloween of the previous year, sending shivers down spines worldwide.

However, this ethereal romance soon spiraled into a chilling abyss. Brocarde, with a heart full of remorse, narrated how their honeymoon in Barry Island, Wales, took a dark turn when Edwardo spiraled into a maelstrom of inebriation, fueling his possessive streak. Adding to the mystique, the ghost harbored an unsettling fascination with none other than the iconic Marilyn Monroe, a fixation that sparked tensions between him and his living bride.

Intriguingly, Edwardo would vanish for days, returning drenched in the bewitching fragrance of Chanel No.5, a scent synonymous with Monroe herself. As Brocarde attempted to establish boundaries in this peculiar relationship, her spectral partner’s fury intensified, veering between stormy volatility and scorching passion.

But Brocarde’s resilience was unwavering. Determined to exorcise the demons that plagued her relationship, she returned to the very chapel where their spectral vows had been exchanged, embarking on a spine-tingling and harrowing ritual to banish Edwardo from her life forever.

With steely resolve, she recounted, “Our relationship had always been turbulent from the beginning, with the stark contrast of him being threatening and possessive and then warm and intense, but I slowly began to tire of being married to a free spirit; he was inconsistent, barely present.” Her decision to separate from Edwardo wasn’t a mere breakup; it was a battle of cosmic proportions.

Consulting a psychic medium in her quest to assert boundaries and tame her spectral spouse proved futile, as Edwardo grew ever more aggressive and began haunting her with the spine-chilling cries of a phantom baby. It was then that Brocarde concluded that only an exorcism could liberate her from this supernatural bond.

After hours of a harrowing spiritual struggle in the same chapel that once witnessed their union, Edwardo was finally purged from her soul. Brocarde emerged from this otherworldly ordeal feeling liberated, radiant, and joyfully unburdened. “Since the exorcism, I haven’t felt his presence or seen him; the whole energy has shifted, and life feels more light and joyful,” she exclaimed.

Credit: www.brocarde.com

With fierce determination, Brocarde proclaimed, “I am quite adamant that I no longer want to be haunted by Edwardo, so his presence isn’t welcome in my life.” In an electrifying twist, she composed a song titled ‘Just Another Anthem,’ a powerful testament to her journey of emancipation and a bold declaration that she has triumphantly moved on from the haunting shadows of her past.

Prepare to be enchanted by this captivating tale of a love affair that transcended the boundaries of existence, ultimately leading to an exorcism of epic proportions! Brocarde’s incredible journey has left the world spellbound, a testament to the indomitable spirit that seeks liberation from the grasp of the supernatural.

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Marry Her Ghostly Groom

In an otherworldly twist, singer Brocarde exchanged vows with her ethereal lover, Edwardo, in a hauntingly beautiful wedding ceremony that defied the boundaries of life and death. The spectral union took place on October 31, sending shivers down spines and captivating the world’s imagination.

The bewitching love story began when Edwardo, a Victorian soldier from the afterlife, made a jaw-dropping entrance into Brocarde’s life last year. Their connection was so intense that it left the 38-year-old from Oxfordshire in tears. She recalled the momentous encounter, saying, “I had tears streaming down my face. It was really intense, and I think it was the fact that it was so intense that converted me.”

However, finding the perfect venue for their supernatural matrimony proved to be a harrowing task. Brocarde revealed on ITV’s This Morning that she had been expelled from churches and even threatened with exorcisms in her quest for a wedding location. She lamented, “All I wanted was a huge white wedding with my nearest and dearest, but a lot of people just can’t see the vision.”

The unconventional love story took an even more spectral turn when Brocarde disclosed that Edwardo, true to his ghostly nature, felt uncomfortable in churches. Instead, they opted for a unique chapel-styled wedding, reflecting the celestial essence of their bond.

During a spine-tingling interview on This Morning with Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield, Brocarde dropped a spectral bombshell when she revealed that Edwardo was present in the studio. As the discussion delved into the evolution of their relationship, the atmosphere grew charged with supernatural energy. Brocarde dramatically declared, “He’s here.”

Phil, with his trademark wit, quipped, “I should hope so… it’s your wedding day.” Holly, visibly intrigued, questioned, “Where is he?” Brocarde, with a ghostly gesture, pointed and said, “Can’t you see him?”

But what’s even more intriguing is how Brocarde and Edwardo communicate. She explained that Edwardo, the Victorian soldier who burst into her bedroom in the dead of night, communicates by sending sensations through her body. “When he’s around, I feel like I’m being embraced, like a kind of warm hug, and if there’s things that he’s really, really unhappy about, he’ll send chills down my body,” Brocarde revealed to the fascinated presenters.

In a world where love knows no bounds, Brocarde and Edwardo’s spectral love story serves as a mesmerizing testament to the enduring power of the human spirit and the mysterious realms that lie beyond. Their chillingly beautiful wedding on October 31 has etched a place in the annals of the supernatural, leaving us all spellbound by the possibilities of love beyond the mortal coil.