This is one of her biggest kept secrets!
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A US woman who has been keeping a secret for 25 years has now revealed it on TikTok.
The TikTok user Keely explained that one time she and a buddy broke into her parents’ bedroom while they were at home alone.
They discovered some ‘shiny packets’ in her mother’s nightstand when they were looking about the room.
“Mum, I’m so sorry,” she began her video. “But I’m not sorry because Sam’s here.
“My best friend and I went into my mum and dad’s bedroom when we were younger, and there were some shiny packets on the nightstand.”
The friend informed Keely that the packages included condoms and described their function to her. They then made the decision to pierce the packets using a sewing needle that they had also discovered in the room.
For laughs, you know.
When Keely’s parents informed her six months later that they were expecting, she had completely forgotten the condom episode and was overjoyed.
“My mum told me she was pregnant, and I was so happy,” she said.
“But years later my mum still says, ‘I don’t know how she happened! We were so careful’.”
People in the comments thought Keely’s little practical joke was hilarious.
“We need your parents’ reaction video asap,” one person commented.
Another added: “This needs to be in your speech when your sister gets married.”
A third said: “The minute you said ‘shiny packets on the nightstand’ I immediately went ‘oh no’.”
A fourth commented with: “You know you’ve held in a secret too long when you’re yelling at us from your car.”
While others said they hope her sister has thanked her for bringing her into this world.
“I hope you hold this over your sister’s head every time you need a favour,” one woman said.
Another user wrote: “How often do you say “I brought you into this world” to your own sister.”
And one woman said she did the same thing and ended up with a little brother.
“Oh my gosh – my brother & I did the exact same thing but to a whole box we found in my dads drawer. Exactly 9 months later I got my new baby brother,” she explained.
We can’t wait to see the mum’s reaction video.
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Mum Slept With Partner In Hospital Bed Just Two Hours After Giving Birth
“I don’t remember feeling any pain during it because it was over so quickly, but that could have been because I had an epidural.”
An expectant mother described having sex in the hospital barely hours after giving birth.
Deborah Hodge discovered herself having sex far sooner than the four to six weeks that physicians advise moms to wait so their bodies have time to recuperate.
The NHS, on the other hand, asserts that “there are no rules” and that new mothers should follow their bodies. Hodge, who was 39 at the time, discovered that she was almost immediately prepared.
Hodge described how she and her then-partner hit it off in the hospital bed in an interview with The Sun in 2019. She was discussing the frequently taboo topic of intimacy after childbirth with the publication among other mothers.
Hodge, a London resident, claimed that she waited two hours after giving birth to her fourth child in July 2013.

Hodge also stated that she would be eager to slip back under the covers in a fortnight after having her prior children. You can become pregnant as soon as three weeks after giving birth, even if you’re breastfeeding and your periods haven’t yet resumed, according to the NHS.
“As Amelia lay in her cot, my partner and I were cuddling on the bed when before I knew it, we were having sex,” she told The Sun.
Hodge said the birth of the couple’s fourth child came as a “happy surprise” because she had assumed she was past the point of conception.
Hodge continued: “There was just this incredible closeness between us. I didn’t feel sexy, but I did feel special. It was over so quick that I don’t remember feeling any discomfort, but that could have been because I’d had an epidural.
“I couldn’t believe we’d done it – I put it down to all the drugs I was on!”
Three days later, when the couple was back at home, they went at it again.

“It felt OK and we experimented with different positions to avoid putting pressure on my stitches,” Hodge told the publication.
While intimacy was clearly not an issue for the couple, Hodge split up with her then 24-year-old boyfriend just a few months after Amelia was born.
“It rocked me a bit and I felt quite vulnerable being a single mum with a young baby,” she told The Sun.
“I somehow muddled through, and now that Amelia is starting school, I’m finally ready to get back on the dating scene again.
“I do think new mums should get back into the saddle when it comes to sex – putting it off isn’t a good idea.”
Hodge, a body positivity advocate, has previously appeared on ITV’s This Morning where she talked about walking around naked in front of her kids to teach them to feel pride in their bodies.
Man Travelled Around The World Impregnating Women, Plans To Father 2,500 Children
Man Lived With Twin Inside Him For 36 Years Without Knowing
Sanju Bhagat, who was born in Nagpur, India, in 1963, seemed to be an ordinary kid with no obvious medical issues.
His stomach, however, got alarmingly large as he aged and dealt with the difficulties of supporting his family while working on a farm.
People even thought he was pregnant as a result of this, but the truth was far more surprising than that.
Learn about another case where a three-year-old boy’s twin lives inside his stomach…
Bhagat’s belly continued to protrude despite his malnutrition, garnering him the nickname “the pregnant man” in his small town.
He persisted despite the continual jeers, concentrating on providing for his family in spite of their cries for him to get help.
Over time, Bhagat’s protruding stomach grew to the point that it interfered with his ability to breathe by pressing against his diaphragm.
He was transported to a Mumbai hospital in 1999, where Dr. Ajay Mehta first thought a malignancy might be there.
However, what they discovered inside Bhagat’s stomach was far more astonishing.
Upon incision, fluid spilt out, followed by the emergence of an actual human being.
A doctor is quoted as saying: “He just put his hand inside and he said there are a lot of bones inside,” in History Defined.
One limb emerged first, followed by another. Then some genitalia, some hair, some limbs, jaws, limbs, and some hair.

“We were horrified. We were confused and amazed… To my surprise and horror, I could shake hands with somebody inside. It was a bit shocking for me.”
Initially believed to be a case of ‘vanishing twin syndrome’, where one twin is absorbed by the other during pregnancy, it was later determined that Bhagat had a rare condition known as ‘fetus in fetu’.
One twin grows inside the body of the other twin, acting like a parasite, in this incredibly unique occurrence.
Such an aberration would typically be noticed by the host twin, but Bhagat had disregarded the warnings.
Bhagat tried to lead a regular life after the twin was removed since he had long since refused to look at the lump of flesh and hair that had resided inside of him.
He returned to his regular job schedule after being freed from his twin’s presence.
His neighbours still thought of him as the “pregnant man,” nonetheless.
People expressed their amazement and curiosity with the amazing instance on social media.
While some found it difficult to accept and questioned the story’s veracity, others were astounded by the long-running event.
Someone said on Twitter, “This cannot be real!”
Another person said: “So bizarre that it went on for decades.”