We’ve all felt our eyes begin to close and hoped no-one would notice when trying to listen to an important speech at school. Okay, maybe I’ve never slept in public in *quite* this much of a ridiculous position, but the way this girl’s friends secretly snapped a photo and edited her into just about every situation has convinced me to be careful. Seriously, take a look…

- The classic elbow drop
Well that’s one way to win your wrestling match.

- Being swept off your feet on a golden beach
Doesn’t look quite as romantic as I’d imagined.

- Dancing with Drake
I must say, her Hotline Bling moves are kinda showing him up.

- Chilling in a hammock
Snoozing with a pineapple under your arm looks surprisingly comfy here.

- Dodging Pokeballs left, right and centre
She’s putting the snore in Snorlax, with all the swagger of an ultra-rare Pokemon.

- Entering the dance battle in style
If your opponent busts out this move, you should be very afraid.

- Passed out in the party
One too many drinks has got her looking a little worse for wear.

- Swinging in the trees
You know you’re skilled when you give an orangutan a run for its money.

- Freestyling in yoga class
She may not be following the instructor, but that’s okay – she’s embodied the free-spirit essence of yoga.

- When your luggage is taking way too long
You can’t blame her for getting bored of looking for her red suitcase – she thought it would stand out a bit more.

- Getting a little too close to the high jump bar
I’m no expert, but I don’t think she’s breaking any world records there.

- Having a boogie with John Travolta
I always did think Uma Thurman was a little overrated in Pulp Fiction – now they’ve found the perfect replacement.

- The ultimate synchronised diving duo
It doesn’t get any more in-sync than this. Before you ask, we don’t know why the water’s green either.

- Becoming an ancient masterpiece
The Thinker, alongside his sister The Dreamer.

- Rubberlegz’s toughest competition yet
That can’t be comfy.

- Embracing the awkward Family Guy fall
Honestly, she fits right in.

- Busting out the breakdance moves
This looks so smooth that if I saw it with no context, I probably wouldn’t even notice she was photoshopped.

- Getting carried to safety
Are you sure she wasn’t secretly awake in this one?

- Back in the good old days
I’m ashamed at how long it took me to find her in this picture.

- Busting out the “hee hee”
Annie, are you okay?

- Conquering hurdles in an all new way
Don’t even ask how she ended up going backwards.

- Enjoying the throne
She sure does look happy to be in power.

- Flamingo camouflage
Nice to see she’s dressed up for the occasion.

If you thought this was good, check out these wonders of the human imagination.