People are only now beginning to understand the horrible truth about what parmesan cheese is actually comprised of.
The Italian region of Parma, where some of the cheese is made, is referred to as Parmesan, which is short for Parmigiano Reggiano.
Reggiano is another cheese manufacturing line in Reggio Emilia.
Only cheese from Parma or Reggio Emilia may be marketed as Parmesan by law.
The fifth most popular cheese in the world, Parmesan is suggested as a garnish for Italian pasta recipes.
People are now abandoning it since they have recently learned what it is made of.
The information was shared in a tweet by someone who regretted learning the real identity of the popular cheese’s main component.
Parmesan isn’t like most other cheeses, which are created from cow’s milk, according to Twitter user @DtheBee.
She clarified that it truly originates from the stomach lining of a young cow.
Her tweet read: “I was today years old when I found out that Parmesan cheese is made from a baby cow’s stomach and I could go cry.
“I’m just gonna have to go full vegan at this point.”

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The enzyme rennet, which is found in the stomach lining of calves or goats, is used in the production of parmesan as well as other cheeses like gorgonzola and camembert.
Sometimes the enzyme is harvested and extracted by killing young animals.
This aids in the separation of the milk and the creation of curd, a process known as coagulation.
And it appears that @DtheBee isn’t the only one who just learned about this, as other people responded to the news in the comments area.
One person wrote: “Even as a vegan of nearly three years, I still learn new horrifying facts about the animal industries.”
Someone else added: “I did not know this. It makes me very sad. I like Parmesan but don’t think I can ever eat it again.”
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Some Twitter users contested the assertion, pointing out that most Parmesan producers now employ a different production technique.
One user explained: “So this is only partially true. Traditionally, this was the case.
“But extracting rennet from a calf is both difficult and supply-stifled.
“Calf stomachs are a by-product of veal production. Due to the shortage, only 5 per cent of all cheeses with rennet are from calf sources.
“The other 95 per cent uses chymosin sourced from bacterial sources.
“You’ll know which because they will be labelled as ‘Suitable For Vegetarians’.
“Super high-end Parmigiano Reggiano with PDO labels will almost always use rennet. Store-bought parm almost definitely won’t.”
Another user added: “95 per cent of all cheeses use GMO bacteria. It’s actually hard to find real rennet cheese.”
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