At a high level, it’s safe to state that some sports are pretty demanding on the body.
Exercise is obviously beneficial for your health, but we’re not talking about the typical person going for a jog or playing five-a-side once every two weeks.
Weightlifters may develop spinal issues including disc bulges, whereas boxers and American football players may sustain brain injury. One sport, meanwhile, has the potential to have genuinely devastating effects on the human body. We’re talking about something that can in many ways push the envelope of human endurance.
In case you weren’t aware, this is freediving.
Credit: YouTube / Guille 8001500
Athletes that practise freediving put forth extra effort to hold their breath for as long as they can. The achievement of a world record for the dive’s depth is yet another factor.
A body of air, such as the one we might have in our lungs, can be horribly affected by the crushing pressure of water, as demonstrated in a video.
Animals that have adapted to dive to those depths have extraordinary pressure-resistance abilities. For instance, the Cuvier’s Beaked Whale, the deepest diving mammal, actually possesses a collapsible ribcage to handle the extreme pressure and reduce buoyancy.
Needless to say, humans are NOT equipped to thrive in such environments, and many individuals die while attempting to freedive.
Credit: OLIVIER MORIN/AFP/Getty Images
The amount of air in your body is compressed when you descend to a specific depth due to water pressure. The aforementioned video demonstrates how pressure affects one litre of air in a container.
The air is compressed all the way down to 154ml, or less than a sixth of its volume at the surface, even at the relatively shallow depth of 55 metres.
This is 55 metres down. Herbert Nitsch set the current world record for extremely risky “no limits” freediving in 2007, and it is 214 metres. To put things into perspective, the lack of sunlight causes photosynthesis to become entirely impractical beyond about 100 metres. Yikes!
Freediving without restrictions entails using as much weight as you like to descend and a gas-filled balloon to assist with ascent back to the surface.
Free divers may equalise the pressure as they climb, enabling them to resurface more quickly than scuba divers, thus they don’t have to worry as much about “the bends” as scuba divers do.
Freediving to depth has a lower fatality rate than other sports, despite the danger.
Freediver Explains How They Use ‘Mind Over Matter’ To Hold Breath For Staggering Time
How long can you hold your breath for?
A freediver has posted on social media on how they approach exploring the ocean’s depths without breathing equipment.
Holding your breath while diving deep into a body of water is known as freediving.
The participant in this extreme art must hold their breath for extended periods of time while not carrying any oxygen on their back, unlike its sister sport, scuba diving.
Famous freedivers like Mirela Kardasevic and Herbert Nitsch have been known to plunge hundreds of metres below the surface while holding their breath for several minutes.
Budimir Sobat, a Croatian freediver, currently holds the male record for the longest duration spent holding a breath underwater as of March 2021.
The 56-year-old from Sisak, Croatia, was able to stay underwater for an incredible 24 minutes, 37.36 seconds.
There are now 50,000 competitive freedivers worldwide, but many more are anticipated to participate in recreational diving, according to Apnealogy.
While The Deepest Breath, a critically praised Netflix documentary, has lately brought attention to the sometimes disastrous side effects of freediving, many people are still passionate about the activity and have described how they manage to perform amazing physical feats.
Credit:Jakob Boman/Pixabay
One of these recreational freedivers recently shared on social media why they think it’s just “mind over matter” to hold your breath for extended periods of time.
An experienced diver offered their tips in a Reddit discussion discussing diving horror stories.
They wrote: “That’s the moment when you start to panic – and that’s the skill in freediving, getting to 160ft and your brain is on the edge of panic.
“But you just relax and say ‘I’ll be fine’ – the majority of freediving is mind over matter.”
They went on to claim that their old teacher thought that with the correct mindset, they could someday dive up to 200 feet in other parts of the base.
The same person also addressed how they believe other freedivers can best preserve their energy and maintain their air intake elsewhere in the discussion.
They wrote: “When you’re freediving you come up slowly more to conserve energy and air.
“You haven’t breathed compressed air so you haven’t taken on much nitrogen (repetitive deep freedivers can get bent but it’s rare).”
They then warned that by coming up from the water too fast, you must be aware that a high surface pressure gradient may be present.
“If you don’t have enough (sic) oxygen in your bloodstream when you come up sometimes your alveoli can rob O2 out of your bloodstream to keep the right lung balance, and make you pass out.”
In addition, they urged freedivers to “blow on people’s lips and faces to bring them round” if they came across someone who had passed out while spending time underwater.
For this reason, he warned that you should never freedive alone, recalling: “I was in Menorca, down at 20m taking photos of an octopus, alone. I was probably down for 2 minutes or so and maybe overstayed my welcome.”
He said he’s lucky to be alive after getting into problems, freaking out, and passing out while rising to the surface.
He concluded: “I had passed out at 6m – the wind had resuscitated me when I got to the surface.
“If it hadn’t been windy, I would most likely have been dead, as the wind told my lips and the receptors that I was above the surface.”
Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been ‘Solved’, According To Expert
Forget about aliens, sea monsters, and whirlpools. Despite being supported by science, one expert claims to have “solved” the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, which will nevertheless make you shudder.
Geology may be able to explain the disappearances of planes and boats, according to Nick Hutchings, a mineral prospector, who was interviewed for the 2019 Channel 5 series Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.
According to Britannica, more than 50 ships and 20 aeroplanes have vanished without a trace in the mysterious, roughly triangular-shaped region of the North Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North America.
Since the middle of the 19th century, stories of disappearances in the area, sometimes known as “The Devil’s Triangle,” off the Atlantic coast of Florida to the Greater Antilles islands have been made. There have been no obvious causes, no debris or distress signals, and crews and passengers who have never been heard from again.
What does Hutchings attribute it to if the conspiracy ideas are incorrect and there is no supernatural force responsible for the disappearance of these boats?
Credit: Science Channel
Well, rocks, apparently.
Hutchings explained to camera in the 60-minute doc: “Bermuda’s basically a sea mountain – it’s an underwater volcano. 30 million years ago, it was sticking up above sea level.
“It has now eroded away and we’re left with the top of a volcano. We have a few core samples, which have magnetite in them. It’s the most magnetic naturally occurring material on Earth.”
Using only a small piece of the rock and a compass, Hutchings conducted an experiment to demonstrate using the doc.
The compass’s needle went mad as it was passed over the rock, rendering it entirely useless.
Credit: Channel 5
“You can just imagine the ancient mariners sailing past Bermuda,” he explained. “It would be very disconcerting.”
In other words – people were simply lost.
Although sailors have reported seeing ghost ships and other strange occurrences in the eerie region, Karl Kruszelnicki, a scientist at Sydney University in Australia, asserts that the percentage of missing planes and boats is comparable to that of any other heavily travelled area of the ocean, suggesting that the area isn’t as mysterious as it first appears.
According to Kruszelnicki, inclement weather and incorrect navigational choices are primarily to blame for missing individuals and vessels.
He told back in 2017: “It is close to the Equator, near a wealthy part of the world – America – therefore you have a lot of traffic.
“According to Lloyd’s of London and the US Coastguard, the number that go missing in the Bermuda Triangle is the same as anywhere in the world on a percentage basis.”
Volunteer in largest hunt for Loch Ness Monster in 50 years reveals there were ‘sightings’
There were ‘sightings’ on Saturday, August 26, according to a volunteer who is a member of the greatest Loch Ness Monster hunt in 50 years.
There is little doubt that the Loch Ness Monster enigma has persisted for a long time, and recent searches have scarcely turned up any conclusive solutions.
Nevertheless, thousands make an effort each year to uncover proof that the monster actually exists.
Hundreds of volunteers began arriving in the Scottish Highlands in quest of the fabled creature.
The Loch Ness Centre at Drumnadrochit has partnered with a group of researchers from Loch Ness Exploration (LNE) to carry out the largest surface water study for the creature in more than 50 years during a two-day search operation.
Since the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau began looking for evidence of the monster back in 1972—roughly 51 years ago—it is believed to be the most thorough study.
A team of volunteers has been searching for Nessie with the aid of unique tools that have never been used on the loch.
Drones are also being used to create thermal imagery of the notorious waters in an effort to find any weird anomalies that may be hiding deep beneath the surface.
Credit: Loch Ness Centre
It marks the start of day two of the search for Loch Ness, but a volunteer on the expedition has already recounted events that occurred on the Saturday.
One of the hundreds of volunteers participating that weekend, Craig Gallifrey, told Sky News that there had been some “sightings” the day before.
After being asked by Sky News if he thinks the search will provide any sightings, Gallifrey said: “It’s hard to say, it would be nice to find something new that might be in the Loch, but with the results on Friday with the four unidentified sounds it’s something we going to explore at lot more today (Sunday).
He added: “There were some sightings yesterday which are all being collated so hopefully we will have something by the end of the weekend.”
Adding to that, the volunteer said: “There were some reports from people that were watching on webcams and doing the surface watch, so we are just collecting all that evidence.”
Credit: Getty
Speaking ahead of the search, Alan McKenna from LNE said the hope for the search was to find evidence of Nessie’s existence.
“Since starting LNE, it’s always been our goal to record, study and analyse all manner of natural behaviour and phenomena that may be more challenging to explain,” he said.
“It’s our hope to inspire a new generation of Loch Ness enthusiasts and by joining this large-scale surface watch, you’ll have a real opportunity to personally contribute towards this fascinating mystery that has captivated so many people from around the world.”
Unbelievable Video Shows What Happens To A Free-Diver’s Lungs The Deeper They Go