Businessman Shocked After Seeing 1,400 Tequila Shots Added To His Tab After Night Out In Vietnam


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During a night out in Vietnam, a businessman was shocked to see that 1,400 shots of tequila had been added to his bar account.

Everybody fears checking their bank account the previous evening to see how many Fireball rounds they purchased while trying to “make every day count,” as Matthew McConaughey put it.

And our wallet sure did pay off.

At least you’re not this bloke, though.

A man’s horrifying discovery regarding his American Express card is a nightmare for everyone.

The Herald Sun reported that an Australian businessman challenged a $45,000 bill he received in Vietnam.

The individual stated that he had spent $3,300 in total while having a great time at Bottoms Up and Double Shots, two bars in Ho Chi Minh City.

The client, identified only as “Mr S,” complained to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) stating that he gave his card to the bar staff after receiving handwritten bills for considerably smaller sums, between $1100 and $600.

Staff told him he didn’t need to input his PIN because the EFTPOS machine was down just as he was about to. Furthermore, he was not obliged to sign anything.

Mr. S was informed of the charges upon his return from the trip after discovering his American Express card had reached its maximum amount.

The large bills were discovered when he was going over earlier statements.

AFCA claims that after Mr. S first challenged the charges with Amex, the bars were contacted and given itemised and signed documents of the $45,000 cost.

1,400 tequila shots, 369 Lady Drinks, 122 Jagers, and a host of other items were included in the bill.

In a letter to Mr S, Amex said: “On the basis of the information provided and the results of our investigation, the final conclusion reached is that we believe (the transactions) to be valid and correctly executed.

“Therefore, the amount previously under review has been reapplied to your account balance and you will see this on your forthcoming statement.”

But according to AFCA, the autographs submitted were “illegible scrawl” and had nothing in common with Mr. S’s actual signature.

The bill was also generated using a basic Word Doc, according to AFCA, and “a foreign tourist or businessman such as Mr. S was the ideal target.”

In theory, American Express was responsible for the challenged charges under the ePayments Code.

In the end, the individual was only required to pay the $3,300 he had acknowledged spending on the evening.

Big phew!

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