A man who has transformed into a “Black Alien” claimed that before his change, he was a “very sexy guy.”
To totally transform his appearance, Anthony Loffredo has had several body alteration treatments and tattoo sessions.
The Frenchman has had his tongue forked, his eyeballs tattooed, two fingers amputated, his nose and ears removed, as well as arm implants. Being only 57 percent of the way through his change, he also hopes to have a limb amputated.
Loffredo revealed that people are often quite judgmental and that he frequently receives trolling comments on social media as a result of his new appearance.
In a recent Channel 4 programme, when challenged about his significant physical changes, he says he’s content with his new appearance because his former,’sexy’ body was the wrong fit for him.

Speaking to filmmaker Arthur Bruel, the pair form a weird yet wonderful relationship. Loffredo shows Bruel some before and after pictures, including one face shot where he has zero modifications and another where he gives the camera his best smoulder while he crosses his massive arms.
“Happy, but not in the right body,” he tells the filmmaker.
“But you were a very good-looking guy,” Bruel responds.
“Very sexy guy,” Loffredo clarifies.
When Bruel asks why he decided to change, Loffredo says: “But I’m the same person! Same heart!”
He continues: “But it’s not my body, my real body.”
Loffredo also says that ‘deep down’ he was unhappy with his old body.
Later in the documentary, Loffredo and Bruel talk to members of the public in Mexico, where Loffredo is currently based.
One man asks if Loffredo has ‘tattooed his intimate areas’, and he confirms he has.
“Yes, I have!” he says with a laugh.

And then Loffredo meets two women on a bench who clearly show an interest in him.
“Show me your tongue!” one woman asks, before firing more questions about its green colour.
“It’s tattooed, it’s ink,” Loffredo responds, appearing to be unfazed by the woman’s fascination with him.
“Do you think Anthony is sexy?” Bruel asks the woman one-on-one.
“Yes!” she giggles, before adding that she finds him attractive.
Just in case you start shipping the pair, Loffredo reveals to Bruel he actually has a lady friend in Mexico City already.
So, perhaps he’s just a different kind of ‘sexy guy’ now.