We recently learned one of the cleverest washing hacks we’ve ever seen, and we’re debating running a load just to give it a shot.
You see, we’re more of the throw everything in and use a colour catcher kind when it comes to washing our stuff.
“My voice, my appearance—everything made me feel ashamed. It was a lot of work “She spoke.
But after this hack, we felt like seasoned dry cleaners.
The hack is practically free, so there’s no need to spend money on pricey detergents or large pieces of equipment, which makes it even better.
Ice cubes and a tumble dryer are all you need.

We are aware that it may seem as though we are playing a practical joke on you, but as one TikToker recently demonstrated, if you place a few ice cubes with your clothing while they dry, they will melt and produce steam.
The steam removes creases from your clothing, so your mother won’t tell you that you can’t go out in a top that is wrinkled anymore.
On TikTok, users were just as ecstatic as we were, with one user writing: “One person responded, “Awesome,” and another, “No way!? After work today, I’ll give this a go! I was considering dousing them in water. But this seems brilliant!”
It also turns out that ice cubes are multi-purpose, as one person wrote: “Ice cubes also get dents out of carpet when you move furniture. Set overnight and viola!”
Excuse us while we ice-cube our way into being domestic goddesses.
Others grew up with a different variation of the same trick, saying: “As a kid I’d throw a damp wash cloth. 🤷🏼♀️. Now my dryer has a ‘Refresh’ setting.”
Another woman after our own heart, shared her own trick for dropping creases: “I leave stuff in the bag and pull it out as needed. They unwrinkle as I wear them,” to be fair, we swear this also works.

Still, this isn’t the only incredible washing hack we’ve seen recently, because for anyone wanting to dry their clothes on the line, we’ve got you covered.
As one TikToker Lera Lynn showed, if you place your clothes flat on top of each other once they come out of the machine, you can drape them over your shoulder and they stay put as you hang them up one by one.
Lera Lynn says that it might seem a little strange at first but it’s fool-proof: “My laundry hack which I explain to people and they think I’m crazy! But it ACTUALLY works! Undies and socks in the dryer, big things on the line. This saves me time and bending down!”
And we’re off to try both this evening.