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A ‘genuine atheist’ has spoken out about what he witnessed ‘in heaven’ during a near-death encounter.
Some people view death as a definitive finish, while others who take comfort in their religious convictions view it as merely a transition from one state of consciousness to another.
One man has come forward and said that after having a near-death experience, his entire outlook on life and death has undergone a dramatic alteration.
He was a solid atheist before this encounter, but he now claims to have seen heaven while in the hospital when he was in danger of passing away.
Jose Hernandez, an American, spoke about his life-altering experience during a recent interview with Shaman Oaks on his YouTube channel.
The engineer claimed that as part of his duties, he changed some electrical lines as is customary.
Hernandez tells Shaman Oaks: “When I had my experience I was a true atheist.

“I am an engineer. I was up on a bucket truck running some electrical lines. We were running late.
“The guy that was with me, my partner, was more worried about electrocuting me up on top, so he was more worried looking up and he just kind of bumped into a tree.
“I hit the bucket and I broke all my ribs… on my right side and I was sent to an emergency room.”
Hernandez remembers the terrifying moment when he stopped breathing and the quick response of physicians and nurses who raced into his room in an effort to save him after being transferred to the hospital.
Hernandez adds: “I started thinking about god, saying, ‘If you get me through this event I will change’.”
In this moment Hernandez claims to have noticed spirits, as his ‘real self’ battled for survival.
He went on to explain: “And then I noticed this shadow, by the door. And it just stood there. Then I started thinking ‘You know what, I’ve had such a hard and difficult life, maybe it’s okay to let go.’
“I kinda said it’s OK to die. And the minute I said that or thought that the shadow just moved.
“In my mind, I could see its hand reaching out to me, and it just touched my toe. And the minute it touched my toe I just felt this tremendous sense of relief, and relaxation, peace and love and calm. I was in bliss.”
Hernandez adds that he heard voice ‘next to him’ saying: “‘Think of your body as a car, and that car has life five million miles on it, and there’s nothing we can do to fix it anymore. So you have to now say goodbye to your body’.
“And then the voice said to me ‘OK, it’s time for us to move on’.”