Is Your Town An STI Hotspot?


STI rates in the UK are hitting record highs.

Figures published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) show there were 392,453 sexually transmitted infections (STIs) reported in England in 2022 – a massive 24% rise on the previous year.

This includes: 

  • 26% increase in STI diagnoses among young people aged 15 to 24 since 2021.
  • 21% increase in chlamydia in young people despite no increase in testing among this group.
  • 50% increase in gonorrhoea since 2021.
  • 24% increase in chlamydia since 2021.
  • 15% increase in syphilis since 2021.

Richard Angell, Chief Executive of Terrence Higgins Trust, said: ‘Ultimately, you get what you pay for. Today’s significant rise in sexually transmitted infections is a worrying testament to the fact that there is no vision or ambition for improving sexual health in England. We’ve seen cuts where we need to see investment. This has reduced our sexual health services to a minimal disease management process. This cannot continue.”

Mike Asher, CEO and Co-Founder of Better2Know, a private provider of discreet, STI home self-tests said, “People in the UK are now realising it’s easier and faster to take sexual health screenings into their own hands – and yes, it’s possible to remain anonymous. 

“At Better2Know we’re committed to providing discreet, reliable and fast sexual health screening tests. We offer a variety of self-tests that are not available on the NHS, including the popular herpes blood test which screens for HSV I and II without symptoms. For most screenings, results are back from the lab within 24 hours. 

“In the case of a positive result, we’ll arrange an appointment with a doctor for follow-up treatment. Partners who may be affected can be invited for a screening by SMS. It’s also possible to notify a partner anonymously.”

According to government statistics, cities tend to have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections, with London having by far the most STIs per 100,000 people.

These are the areas with the highest rate of STIs per 100,000 people in the UK:

  • London – 1,127  
  • Brighton – 1,054
  • Nottingham – 937
  • Liverpool – 936
  • Manchester – 923
  • Crawley – 921
  • Norwich – 917
  • Portsmouth – 871
  • Preston – 858
  • Southampton – 785

In London, some boroughs have much higher rates of newly diagnosed STIs than others. 

Lambeth, a borough in South London which includes towns like Brixton and Clapham, has 2,980 per 100,000 people. Sutton, towards Surrey, on the other hand, has a lower 393 per 100,000. 

Areas with the lowest number of STIs per 100,000 people:

  • Boston – 264
  • Solihull – 280
  • Harrogate – 290
  • Scarborough – 291
  • Stockport – 303
  • Bromsgrove – 320
  • Lichfield – 343
  • Warwick – 356 
  • Bath – 349
  • Worthing – 350

Take your health into your own hands, buy a STI screening home test kit today.