Following the failure of the slingshot ride they were riding, two people experienced a harrowing experience.
You can see graphic video of the incident below:
In preparation for being launched into the air inside a tiny capsule, the pair boarded the rollercoaster at London’s Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.
A spring machine that exerts intense pressure on the bands holding the metal orb powers slingshot rides.
When everything appears to be in order and prepared to launch, the operator will press a button to launch the capsule into the air.
Two broad, elastic bands hold the capsule to the framework.
One of these bands clearly failed in the alarming video that was recorded at Winter Wonderland.
It’s unknown if the band broke as they were being stretched or as the capsule lifted off the ground.
Footage of the incident has been posted on social media and many have been left shocked by what they saw.
One person said: “You will NEVER catch me on one of these.”

“OMG I thought you meant snapped as in it was fantastic not as in LITERALLY,” a third person said.
“I went the other day and this is all I could picture,” a third person wrote.
According to a Met Police spokesman, two adolescent boys were riding a fairground ride when one of the bungee cords holding the cage together broke. The cage was simply left hanging in midair.
Both cyclists escaped unharmed.
“We can confirm that a technical issue concerning the reverse bungee occurred on Wednesday evening,” a Winter Wonderland Hyde Park spokeswoman informed LADbible. After being examined by our on-site doctors and being safely removed off the ride, both riders were found to be unharmed.
“Safety is our highest priority and the ride is closed while further investigation takes place. All of our rides undergo rigorous and regular safety checks by experienced members of staff trained in health and safety. We also provide regular training for all staff to ensure our visitors can enjoy a fun and safe experience.
“All other attractions at Winter Wonderland are operating as normal.”
They added in an update: “We can confirm that the elastic cord and the steel wire rope supporting the Reverse Bungee gondola in which the public sit has not snapped or failed in any way.
When we checked out the ride this morning at 7 a.m., we discovered that a sealed gear box that regulates the release of the steel wire rope and elastic cable had developed a mechanical problem.
“I have alerted the HSE.”
This is not the first problem to affect a UK Winter Wonderland this holiday season.
“We were playing on the games opposite and we heard a bit of commotion,” the 29-year-old told WalesOnline.
“As we looked over we saw all the security running around all frantic. We noticed they rushed to a cabin. They then left with some sort of medical bag.
“As they rushed past us we followed. Then I realised there was an accident on the ride.
“Then they pulled one railing off on the side. I then noticed a lady or girl on the side pinned against it.”
A spokesperson for Cardiff’s Winter Wonderland said in a statement: “Safety is always a priority for us and a full investigation into the incident is now taking place.
“We, as the event organisers, are working closely with the ride owner/operator and all relevant organisations to investigate.
“The ride will remain closed during this time.”