You can find almost anything on the internet if you use the correct search term and your preferred search engine, but not everything you might find is secure, amiable, or healthy.
However, many people who opt to take an online romp along the varied strands of the world wide web do so explicitly because they are seeking the exact opposite of those things.
The bizarre world of true crime is one of the internet’s biggest obsessions, even though people have been fascinated by criminals and their stories for a very long time—far before anybody even thought to “google” anything.
There isn’t much true crime enthusiasts enjoy more than digging into the specifics of a death row case, despite the fact that many criminals inspire a great deal of intrigue.
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice maintains a website where it compiles details about death row inmates who have been executed, including their last words, for those who are interested.
The website provides information about these people’s identities, the offences for which they were found guilty, the dates they were executed, and their often terrifying final statements.

A few convicts are unrepentant and go out cursing and swearing at everyone around them. Others have a few things to say and pray for pardon.
In the case of killer James French, who received a life sentence before intentionally killing a fellow inmate so he could get the electric chair, he supposedly used his final moments to suggest ‘French fries’ as a headline for the newspapers.
Others just get straight to the point, with one death row inmate saying ‘let’s do this s**t’ before his execution.
A woman who saw around 300 executions claimed that Cameron Todd Willingham’s expletives at his ex-wife were the “worst” last words she had ever heard. The prison warden carried out Willingham’s execution before he had completed speaking in order to get him to stop talking.

Although it may sound bizarre, the internet is full of strange and macabre websites that offer all kinds of information to pique your interest.
Another area of the internet has transcripts of the final discussions the pilots had before their aircraft crashed, in addition to the website that contains the last words of death row inmates.
There’s even the final moments in the cockpit from the plane crash into the Hudson River that inspired the Tom Hanks movie Sully, and it turns out the movie stuck pretty close to what actually happened.