Yet more people are disliking the idea of the new Snow White.
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The original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs director’s son has denounced the planned remake, saying that it will make Walt Disney and his father “turn in their graves.”
The new “woke” version, scheduled for debut in 2024, has been criticised by David Hand, whose father of the same name worked with Walt Disney to create the iconic 1937 cartoon.

The ‘seven dwarfs‘ will be replaced by’magical creatures’ in the new live-action feature, a contentious modification made in an effort to make the picture more inclusive for a contemporary audience.
Additionally, some theories claim that the movie won’t be a love tale.
@cosywithangie Just because a woman values something different, does not make her any less valuable. Some women want a career and not marriage. Some women want a marriage or family and not a job. Some women want BOTH. All are to be heard, and seen, and valued. Write stories about ALL women and depict them ALL as valuable and worthy, instead of trying to mold them into one specific image of what you deem worthy. Thank you. #snowwhite #snowwhiteliveaction #snowwhitecontroversy #disney ♬ original sound – Angie | Self Care
In the TikTok below (posted by cosywithangie) you can see the star of the new Disney retelling discuss the new Snow White film in an interview alongside the evil queen herself Gal Gadot.
During the interview she says ‘The original cartoon came out in 1937, and very evidently so. There’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. Weird! Weird! So we didn’t do that this time.
I just mean that it’s no longer 1937. She’s not going to be saved by the prince and she’s not going to be dreaming about true love.’
Mr. Hand, a former Disney designer, told The Telegraph that he ‘disagrees’ with the critiques.

Many members of the younger age, according to the 91-year-old, ‘have never seen the original’ and ‘don’t know what they’re talking about’
‘I mean, it’s a whole different concept, and I just totally disagree with it, and I know my dad and Walt would also very much disagree with it. I think it’s pathetic that people feel that way… these are art forms in the world of film today’
He went on to explain how he he doesn’t understand Disney’s motive for ‘trying to do something new with something that was such a great success earlier. I’m afraid of what they’re going to do with the early films… their thoughts are just so radical now.

‘They change the stories, they change the thought processes of the characters, they just aren’t the original stories anymore. They’re making up new woke things and I’m just not into any of that.
I find it quite frankly a bit insulting that they may have done with some of these classic films.
There’s no respect for what Disney did and what my dad did… I think Walt and he would be turning in their graves’