Using the character of Chucky from the horror film series “Child’s Play,” a resident of Eugene created a realistic-looking parody of the Chuck E. Cheese amusement park using 3D modelling and virtual reality software.
Cable Adams
This month, pictures of a macabre and peculiar amusement park that might not be suitable for the entire family have begun to circulate online. It is also untrue.
Cabel Adams, a self-taught virtual reality artist from Eugene, used images of a nearby mall and 3D rendering, augmented reality, and virtual reality software to create Chucky Cheese Pizza Arcade & Bowling, a realistic-looking arcade with Chucky, the slasher doll from the ’80s horror movie franchise “Child’s Play,” as its mascot.
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Adams combined aspects of genuine buildings and false attractions in the photographs and videos he shared on Facebook of the space’s façade and interior. He also dressed up as Chucky himself to provide the tantalising potential of actually being there.
His idea soon gained traction, garnering 100,000 Facebook shares in only 24 hours, and attracting the attention of Jennifer Tilly, an actress best known for her roles in the “Child’s Play” film series and the “Chucky” TV spinoff.