We’ve all heard that The Home Depot is THE place to go for Halloween decorations. I mean, they have a 12-foot skeleton. But if that wasn’t enough the owner of (He’s Crafty) Erik Martinelli transformed his Inferno Pumpkin into a life-sized Demogorgon from Stranger Things.
But now comes word that Home Depot is releasing a Life Size Demogorgon so you too can turn your yard upside down!!!
Although Home Depot have not released an official statement. They posted to Facebook on July 1st saying this:
If for any reason they do not release this masterpiece in time for Halloween 2022. Fear not, you can follow Erik’s instructions on how to transform an Inferno Pumpkin into a Demogorgon of your own.
You can join the He’s Crafty community on Facebook in their group. There are even more amazing DIY creations on their Youtube, including a Hocus Pocus Spell Book and how to make your own Friday the 13th mask.