Doctors Refuse To Operate On A Woman Who Had 6 Ribs Removed To Look Like Barbie


She wanted to look just like Barbie!

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A ‘human Barbie doll’ who had surgery to remove six ribs has said that she felt stuck in her former body and like a transgender person in her fight.

Pixee Fox, a former electrician, had previously spent more than £80,000 on cosmetic surgery in an effort to get the ideal hourglass shape.

She then expanded her fixation by having her lower ribs removed in order to achieve a record-breaking 14-inch waist.

The 25-year-old claims that cartoon figures like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, and Holli Would from Cool World served as inspiration.

Pixee who is from Sweden said:

People often come up to me and say, don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like a cartoon’ – but for me that’s a compliment, that’s what I want to achieve. Those cartoon characters represent the idealisation of the female body. I want to achieve that ideal.

There are so many people out there – for example transsexual people – who feel like one person inside and it doesn’t reflect their outside – and for me who I was on the outside was not who I was on the inside. I want to have the tiny waist, the butt, big boobs, big eyes and a really pretty face. Having my ribs removed was just another step in achieving that ideal.

Dr. Barry Eppley, a plastic surgeon from Indianapolis, Indiana, completed the lengthy, £6,000 keyhole surgery procedure in October.

The irreversible procedure is typically done for medical reasons, although it can also be utilised for aesthetic reasons after comprehensive counselling.

She has undergone four rhinoplasties totaling £12,600, four breast augmentations 200cc, 525cc, 800cc, and 1400cc totaling £26,500, two liposuction sessions costing £4,600, two upper eyelid surgeries costing £5,300, a labiaplasty costing £3,300, a Brazilian butt lift costing £8,000, and cool-sculpting, cheek injections, and lip injections costing about £10,600.

She thinks that all in all, including the rib operation, she has spent £80,000 on surgery.

But after factoring in missed pay, medical expenses, and travel, she calculates that she has spent roughly £165,000.

Watch more about her story here:

She paid for 11 procedures by herself but the remaining treatments, including her fourth breast augmentation, were funded by admirers who have been following her metamorphosis on Instagram, where she has over 463,000 followers. She paid for 11 of the procedures with her own money and savings.

I don’t want to encourage others to seek cosmetic surgery. I want to spread the idea that you should dare to be yourself and surround yourself with people that support you for who you are on the inside, whatever you chose to do


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