A fine line divides cute outfits for pets and cringe-worthiness and that line is Christmas, the season when everything looks adorable.
Whether you’re taking an annual family photo in front of that glorious Christmas tree or going on a long winter walk in the brisk winter or even if you are tucking into Sunday dinner with your pup, there is something for all tastes (and pup sizes).
At Christmas, the cold-hearted get soft, the singles become lovers and the cringeworthy, sought-after decoration. Maybe it’s the weather, the snow, the mould wine; perhaps it’s the gaining of weight whilst over-eating our sorrows, science probably explains this but the strongest amongst us all fall for Christmas decorations. If you combine that with cute animals, then it’s an explosive recipe for delightful.
Adorable dogs in funny Santa hats, I bow to thee. Annoyed cat in an ill-fitting red suit, we are not worthy of you. All rise for the best Christmas pet outfits that will make our hearts warm and our pets even warmer! Be they outfits, dresses, costumes or pyjamas, all we care about is how cute they are. They also need to come in warm colours and in heavy or unexpected fabrics. If the outfit makes the pet’s body look like a human being standing, alas! Do we get excited?
Cats, dogs and even little guinea pigs are just what we need after a tough day at work. A cat trying to pass as a reindeer meme is a cure to all illnesses. A picture of a guinea pig wearing a hat, worth more than a thousand words. Cats and dogs can stop fighting and join the Christmas Jumper Day like adults as there are lots of get-ups especially made for each of their furry little paws.
From your face, I can tell that you are looking for Christmas-themed stuff so have a look at You Can Virtually Tour The White House This Christmas Season.